This example project shows a way to show A Form like Excel in Swift.
Drag AKExcelCollectionViewCell.swift , AKExcelDateManager.swift and AKExcelView.swift into your project. Demo shows detail how to use this.
let excelView : AKExcelView = AKExcelView.init(frame: CGRect.init(x: 0, y: 20, width: AKScreenWidth, height: AKScreenHeight - 20))
// 自动滚到最近的一列
excelView.autoScrollToNearItem = true
// 设置表头背景色
excelView.headerBackgroundColor = UIColor.cyan
// 设置表头
excelView.headerTitles = ["货号","品名","规格","数量","说明"]
// 设置间隙
excelView.textMargin = 20
// 设置左侧冻结栏数
excelView.leftFreezeColumn = 1
// 设置对应模型里面的属性 按顺序 = ["productNo","productName","specification","quantity","note"]
excelView.delegate = self
// 指定列 设置 指定宽度 [column:width,...]
excelView.columnWidthSetting = [3:180]
var arrM = [Model]()
for i in 0 ..< 50 {
let model = Model()
model.productNo = String.init("货号 - \(i)")
model.productName = String.init("品名 - \(i)")
model.specification = String.init("规格 - \(i)")
model.quantity = String.init("数量 - \(i)")
model.note = String.init("说明说明说明说明说明说明说明说明 - \(i)") = "others ..."
// 设置数据
excelView.contentData = arrM
// 刷新
BSNumbersView , A form like Excel in Objective-C