Ticket 1 Set up boiler plate code Create HTML elements for weather data
Ticket 2 Fetch the data for 1 day of weather from 1 location Generate url by selecting relevant data on API website Assign url to variable Write async/await fetch function
Ticket 3a Create functions to locate the relevant data and display in the DOM Locate element on the DOM Repeat for: Temperature Weather Type Wind Speed Sunrise/Sunset Add Date
Ticket 3b Replace text.content with matching data from AP
Ticket 3c Write if statement that returns phrases based on weather code Convert sunrise/sunset strings into only the time
Ticket 4 Style the elements on the page Select background Create main container Style text - font, sizes, spacing Position text elements within container
Ticket 5 - back in the dreamer room! Bonus elements: Image that change based on data Buttons to show the data Get location from lat/long data Messages based on data (advice/funny comments) More than 1 location