Limnoria plugin for querying UrbanDictionary
An asynchronous variant of the original UrbanDictionary plugin.
You will need a working Limnoria bot on Python 3.10 or above for this to work.
Go into your Limnoria plugin dir, usually ~/runbot/plugins and run:
git clone
To install additional requirements, run:
pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
Next, load the plugin:
/msg bot load UrbanDictionary
Number of definition and examples in output. Max 10.
Do not display any ANSI formatting codes in output. Default is False
Should plugin work in this channel?
aka add ud urbandictionary $*
Add an alias to your bot for ease of use.
@ud spline
spline :: The [object] which [Maxis] likes to [reticulate]. Example: 1: "What [are you] reticulating, dude?"
2: "[My favorite] dish-- [Splines]!" | A combination organ between [the spine] and the [spleen].
One which doesn't exist, but you should ask [the stoner] people how it's doing anyways.
Example: Hey [Maya], how's your spline doing? What? Not to well? Oh, [I'm sorry] to [hear] that.