ROS-based software for PV plants inspections. The project is divided into ground an earial segments.
This package contains the aerial segment, to be installed on each UAV on-board computer.
You can find the ground segment here
This package is based on ROS Kinetic Kame.
See instructions and install "Desktop-Full" package:
Fist of all, in order to use DJI autopilots, you need to install the DJI SDK for ROS. You can follow the next tutorial:
The next step is installing UAL for DJI autopilots. Clone the next repository and follow the instructions for installation:
The DJI SDK ROS package may require nmea_msgs. To install this dependency do:
apt-get install ros-kinetic-nmea-msgs
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-multimaster-fkie
usb_cam driver:
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-usb-cam
gphoto2 for python (for RGB cameras)
sudo pip install gphoto2
sf11 altitude sensor driver
cd ~/(your catkin_ws)/src git clone git clone
scp (transfer protocol for file uploading)
sudo pip install scp sudo apt install sshpass
python-pandas (requiered for data bases)
sudo pip install pandas