Releases: AlertStudios/GMUI-Framework
Releases · AlertStudios/GMUI-Framework
Some bug fixes
- Fixed slide transition
- Fixed scrollbar calculation with varying list sizes
- Fixed scrollbar disappearing if defined last in the form
- Fixed GM8 surface drawing issues. Unfortunately this is currently messing with GMS1.4 and 2.x and will need more work
New features will be coming soon, with hopefully some fixes to the surface drawing issues in GMS.
Another set of significant changes to this release.
PLEASE NOTE: There are some known bugs with certain controls using surfaces. These issues are being worked on. Documentation also needs to be updated.
- Added compatibility with the new GMS 2.3 release!
- New dropdown control added - One of the most challenging additions to this project. There may be some kinks to still work out.
- Added ability to use margins for groups (Stretch to edges with an amount of margin)
- Added some new calls to get grid details back
- Fixed sliders when surfaces are disabled
- Fixed drawing select lists when surfaces are disabled
- Fixed errors when attempting to transition move groups when surfaces are disabled
- Fixed some drawing miscalculations with controls in groups and views with surfaces enabled
- Fixed selection with controls in groups with surfaces disabled
- Fixed the select list scrollbar not moved when control is moved
- Fixed group issues when a group is resized with surfaces enabled
- Other minor bug fixes, mostly relating to illegal code for GMS 2.3
Known issues to be addressed:
- Basic slide transition not working
- Scrollbar calculation for select lists is slightly off (especially with short lists)
- Scrollbar position needs to be reset when a dropdown is closed
- Surfaces: selectlist can vanish if it is the last control defined (surface drawing issue)
- Surfaces: Dropdown can vanish all surfaces when selected for the first time... (might just be GM8)
Significant changes made to scripts in this release!
- RENAMED GMUI_ControlDraw() to GMUI_ControlDrawEvent() - For consistency
- GMUI_Init() script updated
- Changed the demo script to a different interface. This will be updated with full feature testing in next releases
- Controls that are hidden are now removed from the hit map, and added back when unhidden
- Updated GMUI_SetControlDefaults() script
- Updated GMUI_GetCurrentLayer() to work in the form script
- Updated GMUI_GroupHide() script to set within a form script
- Fixed sliders in groups and views
- Fixed scrollbar controls in groups
- Fixed backgrounds of labels to not be drawn if not set, by default
- Added GMUI_ControlSetAction1() to set an action script with 1 argument
- Other bugfixes
Known issue with select list regions not getting redrawn when in a group on mouseout.
Added GMS2 demo project!
Added GM8 script export and GMS2 compatible script export
- Added Enum for data types in Studio
- Added script calls to adjust settings in runtime instead of modifying static script
- Fixed graphical glitches with scrollbars
- Fixed other surface glitches and various other issues
- Added GMS2 demo project example and scripts export
- Fixed scripts for compatibility with GMS2 compiler
- Changed license to MIT
- GMUI_Create() Now has a new first parameter for the object to use to create the new GMUI grid instance, which should now be called outside of the object
- GMUI_CreateEvent() Can be used instead if you prefer the old method of creating an object for each interface
- GMUI_GridDraw() has changed to GMUI_DrawEvent()
- Group, Menu, and Popup settings can now all be called anywhere in the interface after created
- Layer is no longer needed when creating controls or groups.
- The active layer is set to a new layer, or by calling GMUI_SetOnLayer()
- Bugfix: Incorrect scaling offset on group spritemap
- Positioning a control in a group will now stay relative to the group position
- Added option to 'consume' mouse event by clearing the state after clicking a GMUI control
- Fixed menu not working properly in studio version
- Added new checkbox control
- Added new toggle control
- Added enums for Studio version only, docs will need to be updated
- Fixed bug with setting initial slider value
- Added image control
- Added sprite-based picker control
- Added options for certain picker controls, and a script to select an option
- Added multi-layer persistent control function
- various bug fixes
- Menu & Popup transitions! Set hide positions to ease in & out from when opening/closing them
- Ability to return how many menus are currently open
- An example a value changed event
- Click & Hold event action that can be called on a control
- Basic slider control! (With easing abilities)
- Text wrapping on labels (and in groups & menus!)
- "Set Text" script for popups
- Default button configurations for popups that return user's response
- Font & Alignment on tooltips
- Removed some empty leftover scripts
- Other small bugs resolved
Bugs added/found:
- Moving the view may negate menu functionality