Releases: Aletschhorn/fku_songs
Releases · Aletschhorn/fku_songs
Minor bugfix in template HTML file
v7.2.2 Update version number
Correction of a typo
v7.2.1 Set version number 7.2.1
Improvements driven from daily usage
- Improved song search forms
- Allows to add verses per song to the reporting
Minor improvements in preparation for Typo3 version 11
v7.1.0 Increase version number
Release of version 7.0.1
Bugfix release: adding keywords to songs did not work
Release of version 7.0.0
Main changes:
- Added slugs for songs => database update required!
- Removed pi_flexform with its switchableControllerActions and created separate plugins (in ext_localconf.php)
- Typoscript (constants and setup) in plugin.tx_fkusongs instead of plugin.tx_fkusongs_songs
- Define dependency injections with Service.yaml, remove Commands.php to define scheduler tasks