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RealWorld Example App

[Vue.js + TypeScript] codebase containing real world examples (CRUD, auth, advanced patterns, etc) that adheres to the RealWorld spec and API.

This codebase was created to demonstrate a fully fledged fullstack application built with [Vue.JS + TypeScript] including CRUD operations, authentication, routing, pagination, and more.

We've gone to great lengths to adhere to the [Vue.JS + TypeScript] community styleguides & best practices.

For more information on how to this works with other backends, head over to the RealWorld repo.

This code is explained in a series of articles:



This application is meant to show fully working Vue application, written in TypeScript. Application was scaffolded using vue-cli and as for now uses vue-class-component approach. Version with composition-api is WIP.

Folders' structure overview

  • src/layots - app's layouts - contains layouts of application, now there is only one footer and header
  • src/views - app's views - basically all screens, that user sees
  • src/components - reusable components used in views
  • src/router - contains router logic:
    • routesNames.ts - dictionary of RoutesNames to refer in components
    • routes.ts - Vue Router RouterConfig - map of all application's routes
    • index.ts - Router's bootstrap and guards
  • src/services - applications's services to access various APIs:
    • realWorldApi/ - this folder contains all the logic required to access RealWorld API:
      • models/ - models related to RealWorld API
      • RealWorldApiBase.ts - base client for RealWorld API. Contains error handling logic and authentication checking logic
      • RealWorldApi(Article/Profile/Tags/User).ts - wrapper for specific API's endpoints
    • common - classes not specifically related to any API - ResponseCodes and Pagination
  • src/store - Vuex store for application
    • models/ - models used in store
    • modules/ - store modules
    • transformers/ - transformers to convert between API's and store's models
  • src/utils - various helper utilities

Getting started

Clone the app:

git clone

Go to app's directory:

cd vue-ts-realworld-app

Install dependencies:


And run it!

yarn serve

By default app will run on http://localhost:8080/

Vue related implementations of the Realworld app

gothinkster/vue-realworld-example-app - vue2, js
devJang/nuxt-realworld - nuxt, ts, composition api
mutoe/vue3-realworld-example-app - vue3, vite, ts, composition api


🏆Full fledged implementation of Real World App written in Vue + TypeScript.







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