Generate SVG weather-time
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Weather Time is a serverless function that generates dynamically styled weather images based on SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics). For the tech stack, Weather Time using Typescript and serverless function from Vercel stack.
It's simple, you can copy paste this markdown content, like this one:
![Weather Time]([value]&layout=[value]&animation=[value]&bgColor=[value]&opacity=[value]&colorPattern=[value]&primaryColor=[value]&secondaryColor=[value]&width=[width]&height=[height])
There are several options you can use from the list:
Options | Description | Type | Example | Query Params |
[Theme] | Theme of the image | String |
default_repocard | ?theme=[value] |
[Layout] | Layout of the image | String |
churchill | &layout=[value] |
[Animation] | Animation of the image | String |
grow_out_in | &animation=[value] |
[Background Color] | Background color of the image | Hex color code |
ffffff | &bgColor=[value] |
[Opacity Pattern] | Opacity of the background pattern | Float number |
0 - 1 | &opacity=[value] |
[Color Pattern] | Color of the background pattern | Hex color code |
1abc9c | &colorPattern=[value] |
[Primary Font Color] | Primary font color of the text | Hex color code |
000000 | &primaryColor=[value] |
[Secondary Font Color] | Secondary font color of the text | Hex color code |
000000 | &secondaryColor=[value] |
[Width] | Image width | String |
100% | &width=[value] |
[Height] | Image height | String |
100% | &height=[value] |
Here is a list of supported image themes:
Name | Value |
Default | default |
Default repocard | default_repocard |
Dark | dark |
Radical | radical |
Merko | merko |
Gruvbox | gruvbox |
Tokyo night | tokyonight |
One dark | onedark |
Cobalt | cobalt |
Synth wave | synthwave |
High contrast | highcontrast |
Dracula | dracula |
Prussian | prussian |
Monokai | monokai |
Vue | vue |
Vue dark | vue_dark |
Shades of purple | shades_of_purple |
Night owl | nightowl |
Buefy | buefy |
Blue green | blue_green |
Algolia | algolia |
Great Gatsby | great_gatsby |
Darcula | darcula |
Bear | bear |
Solarized dark | solarized_dark |
Solarized light | solarized_light |
Chartreuse dark | chartreuse_dark |
Nord | nord |
Gotham | gotham |
Material pale night | material_palenight |
Gray white | graywhite |
Vision friendly dark | vision_friendly_dark |
Ayu mirage | ayu_mirage |
Midnight purple | midnight_purple |
Calm | calm |
Flag India | flag_india |
Omni | omni |
React | react |
Jolly | jolly |
Maroongold | maroongold |
Yeblu | yeblu |
Blueberry | blueberry |
State orange | slateorange |
Kacho ga | kacho_ga |
Arabesque | arabesque |
List of supported image layouts:
Name | Value |
Default | default |
Churchill | churchill |
Pluto | pluto |
Samuel | samuel |
Socrates | socrates |
Zues | zues |
List of supported image animations:
Name | Value |
Default | default |
Grow-out-in | grow_out_in |
This is example of using Weather Time:
![Weather Time](
Weather Time is distributed under LGPL version 3 or later, [License]. LGPLv3 is additional permissions on top of GPLv3.
Weather Time is maintained by the following GitHub team-members:
with community support please contact with us if you have some question or proposition.
The project uses SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us (emoji key).
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
Weather Time Team would like inform that JetBrains is helping by provided IDE to develop the application. Thanks to its support program for an Open Source projects!
Weather Time has experimental support for Gitpod, a pre-configured development environment that runs in your browser. To use Gitpod, click the button below and sign in with GitHub. Gitpod also offers a browser add-on, though it is not required.
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