├── configs -- configuration files for hydra
├── hgcal_dev
│ ├── clustering
│ ├── datasets -- pytorch lightning data modules
│ ├── models -- pytorch lightning models
│ ├── modules -- spvnas modules
│ ├── training -- various helper functions for training
│ ├── utils
│ │ ├── common.py
│ │ ├── comm.py
│ │ ├── container.py
│ │ ├── experiment.py
│ │ └── metrics.py
│ └── visualization
│ ├── hcal.py
│ └── hgcal.py
├── cluster.py -- script to cluster and eval embedded predictions
├── install.sh -- lists some needed packages that aren't up to date in conda
├── modules.sh -- for slurm
├── requirements.txt
├── setup.py
├── test.py -- script to save predictions from trained model
├── train.py -- script to train model
- pytorch>=1.6
- pytorch-lightning
- pytorch-metric-learning
- wandb
- ninja
Setup an environment with the given requirements (a requirements.txt is provided, which may be useful). Then, run pip install -e .
to install the hgcal-dev package.
Next, modify the following hard-coded paths in the config files:
- configs/config.yaml --
- configs/dataset/* --
The lightning data modules will download and extract the relevant datasets automatically the first time you run training. However, if you prefer to download them manually, they are available at:
- hcal -- https://cernbox.cern.ch/index.php/s/s19K02E9SAkxTeg/download
- hgcal -- https://cernbox.cern.ch/index.php/s/ocpNBUygDnMP3tx/download
If you download the datasets manually, please place them in the appropriate data_dir
from above.
Configuration and command-line arguments are handled using hydra. Logging is handled by wandb (contact me and I can add you to the wandb team). Training is done using pytorch-lightning, with embedding losses from pytorch-metric-learning. For training, the most commonly-used arguments are criterion
, dataset
, train
, and wandb.name
. For example, to train spvcnn on hcal data for semantic segmentation using a single gpu, you can run python train.py dataset=hcal criterion=cross_entropy_loss train=single_gpu wandb.name=hcal_semantic
. Model checkpoints will be saved in outputs_dir/wandb/{run}/files/{project}/{id}/checkpoints
and uploaded to wandb.
You can save predictions from a trained model by using test.py
. Use the same configuration options as when training, and add +wandb.id={your_id}
. The id is the last directory under Run Path on wandb (for example, if the run path is 'uw-hgcal/hgcal-spvcnn/2g1yke58', the id is 2g1yke58). You can then load these predictions to calculate metrics and so forth, or run cluster.py
to cluster embedded predictions and predict instance labels.