A robot(Turtlebot3) moves around in an indoor environment and captures 3D point cloud of wanted_objects.
Point clouds are processed by camera calibration and icp_registration to make complete 3D data.
ROS2(navigation/registration), Detectron2(object detection), Pyrealsense(capturing), Open3D(registration) are combined to implement each functional module.
input : 2D slam map
output : 3D point cloud(global coordinate tagged)
- ROS2 : dashing
- Ubuntu : 18.04
- detectron2 : 0.1.1
- pyrealsense2 :
- open3D :
- python : 3.6.10
Extract global path & navigation goals(red : navigation_goals, yellow : path)
Navigate to global path
Extract local navigation goals
3.1. Navigate to local goals
3.2. Capture 3D point cloud
3.3. Repeat -
- The robot odometry is obtained by ROS2 topic message '/amcl_pose'. With camera calibration combined, we can calculate the transformations needed for rough registration.
- After rough registrations, ICP registration is applied to refine the data. -
Return to step 2
The result 3D data are made in 'res' folder. Each object is saved with its name & global homogenious coordinates.
* Three point cloud data(0.ply, 1.ply, 2.ply) are captured from each view.
* They are registered first with robot odometry(rough registration).
* They are registered with ICP registration finally(ICP registration).
filename : tv_[-3.29162005 1.05766124 0.84587418 1. ].ply
left : after rough_registration
right : after icp_registration(Point-to-point)
* Seen from above, left image shows little discrepancy.
* Since Detectron2 percepts a monitor as tv, we typed 'tv' as the category.
filename : teddy bear_[-2.61849478 2.45610782 0.70800929 1. ].ply
filename : bottle_[-2.98900689 0.68744021 0.70953639 1. ].ply
too many unnecessary objects included. This might cause inaccurate registration.
If the fluid in bottle is transparent, point cloud might not be made at that point.
- object segmentation & crop. It would need an object_segmentation network.
- JSIS3D(CVPR 2019, PointNet based model) is applied directly. Please refer to my Github.
- Further research should include applying network based on voxelization & sparse convolutions.
- Save each 3D point cloud as a latent vector to use in 3D scene graph. Raw point cloud is too big to use. It would need an encoder & decoder pair.