Ride sharing for Grinnell students
There are some secrets or local defaults you may wish to override in your
environment without committing them to git. Copy .env.local.example
and modify it to fit your needs.
This project uses Docker,
so you will need to install that. Configure the database by running
docker-compose run web rails db:setup
. Then just run docker-compose up
from the project root to start the server at http://localhost:3000.
There are a number of commands you may want to run inside the container, such
as rails generate
or rails console
. To get a shell inside the container,
just run docker-compose exec web bash
once the server is running. This will
attach to the same container that the server is using and allow you to run
whatever commands you want.
If you want to get a shell in side the container when the server is not running, you can run docker-compose run web bash
This will spin up a new instance and give you a shell inside of it.
Note that if you have a docker-compose run
instance and a docker-compose up
instance running at the same time both may work, but weird problems are likely to appear.
To stop all docker processes for this project, you can run docker-compose stop
in any shell in a project folder.
To just run all the tests once, run docker-compose run web rails test
If you want tests to automatically rerun when you change files, run
docker-compose run web bundle exec guard
. Guard will only run certain
tests when relevant files change. To run all tests, just hit enter in the
guard interactive console when you see the >
This project uses rubocop to lint ruby code.
To run ruby linting, call docker-compose run web bin/lint.sh --ruby
Linting gets automatically run in on all pull requests against master, and github will complain if it does not pass.
The rules for rubocop can be found in .rubocop.yml.
This project is deployed on heroku, and available at https://rideboard.app. The master branch is automatically deployed to a staging version of the app at https://ride-board-staging.herokuapp.com/ by CI. Promotion from staging to production is done manually.
See docs/Analytics.md.