A machine learning / artifial intelligence framework written for python designed to be easy to use and felxible. It is based mostly on scikit-learn and numpy, but incorperates many open-source and personal machine learning libraries.
- Python 2.x
- numpy
- scipy
- scikit-learn
- matplotlib
- decorator
python setup.py build
sudo python setup.py install
- In python:
import PyAI
- Test by typing:
The main object in the library is the Brain class (PyAI.Brain). With it you access all of the features in the framework.
brain = PyAI.Brain(x_data=data, y_labels=labels, y_data=reg_data)
This brain object has 2 modes of operation: classification and regression.
- If you wish to perform classification (discrete) prediction, use the y_labels attribute
- If you wish to perform regression (continuous) prediction, use the y_data attribute
- Or you can also provide both
Then, you must initialize one of the algorithms available by performing:
# For example
Currently, the available algorithms are
- clustering
- neighbors
- svm
- gmm
- naive_bayes
Then you can apply any number of prediction methods in order to predict using the models
# For example
The xxx must match on of the algorithms that you have initialized
The yyy can either be 'labels' or 'data' for classification and regression respectively