Releases: Alexandra-Myers/PandorasBox
Pandora's Box 2.4.1 1.21 Fabric
Two new effects, which I will not spoil
Fixed weather effect, used for
Few other fixes, which are actually genuinely ancient
Fixed recipe and loot tables
Pandora's Box 2.2.6 1.16.5 Forge
- Backport of Neo
Pandora's Box 1.20.2 NeoForge
Fixed rendering for PBEffectExplode
Buffed cityscape a teensy bit
Other adjustments
New effect?????
Drying effects now clear waterlogged blocks
Command can now be used without requiring a player, defaults to the command sender
1.20 backports coming soon™
1.16 soon™
Pandora's Box 1.20.2 Fabric
Fixed Fabric recipe
Neo version of update coming soon™ + 1.20 backports
1.16 soon™
Pandora's Box 1.20.2 Fabric
The esteemed Fabric port™
Fixed rendering for PBEffectExplode
Buffed cityscape a teensy bit
Other adjustments
New effect?????
Neo version of update coming soon™ + 1.20 backports
1.16 soon™
Pandora's Box 2.3.7 1.20.2
Effects are now registered using a custom registry, the one for Box Effects registers effect classes to be loaded from NBT when the box gets loaded again from NBT, and the one for EffectHolders registers holders which can then have an effect creator defined. Effect creators must be defined for an EffectHolder in order for it to work.
Added loot to cityscape buildings.
Reverted water_pool and lava_pool to their old functionality.
1.16 soon™
Fabric... Eventually
Pandora's Box 1.20.2
Fixed every broken effect
Port to 1.20.2, Neo only
1.16 soon™
Fabric... Eventually
Updated box model
Expanded lists of mobs and creatures, effects will, as a result, have more variety
Added the possibility, though unlikely, to obtain Netherite from the box effects
Added a new equipment set to obtain from the appropriate effect
Modified how cityscape spawners work