This is a Webservices-Scala bootstrap. Everything is keep very simple. The implementation of the methods are not for the real world. This bootstrap prevent not to learn programming scala.
These are the steps to get this template
Create GitHub Reop
- Initialize this repository with a README
- Add .gitignore => choose maven
Project anlegen: mvn archetype:create -DartifactId=webservice-template-scala -Dversion=0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
Git Repo hinzufügen cd webservice-template-scala git init git remote add origin git pull origin master
Delete Maven default and find . -name App*.java | xargs rm
Add and commit pom.xml to git
Edit .gitignore add some more files .iml .idea ._.DS_Store .DS_Store .project .classpath .metadata mem. .settings pom.releaseBackup
Open Project in IntelliJ
- choose pom.xml in open dialog
- Register project Git root in IntelliJ
change folder: src/main/java to src/main/scala src/test/java to src/main/scala
Open pom.xml
- configure pom => see commits in slauer/webservice-template-scala.git
Reopen Project using pom.xml to activate scala nature in IDE
Create TemplateService:
- Create a ScalaClass
- Implement a getMethod
Deploy Service to Tomcat