Given a set of points (p), a maximum height of an aquaeduct (h) and a beta and alpha cost variables, gives the minimum cost of the possible aqueduct and if it doesn't exists, prints impossible.
The solution of this problem has been solved with three variants: greedy, backtracking and dynamic programming.
The better solution for this problem is the dynamic programming one, which is based on the principle of optimality of Bellman. The asymptotic function of this algorithm is O(n^3).
If you would like to know more about how it works, I would totally recommend reading the report of this assignment, which is found in documentation/informe.pdf.
The repository can be found on:
βββ cpp --> cpp code (iterative version)
βΒ Β βββ backtracking
βΒ Β βββ dynamic
βΒ Β βββ greedy
βββ documentation --> report of the assignment in .pdf and .tex (just in case you want to contribute or read how some resources were done)
βββ python --> python code (iterative and recursive version)
βββ python
βΒ Β βββ backtracking
βΒ Β βββ common --> where common classes and methods are saved.
βΒ Β βββ dynamic
βΒ Β βββ greedy
βββ test --> test files
βββ backtracking
βββ dynamic
βββ greedy
If you want to run the tests (for the iterative version) and the code analysis tool (pylint for the recursive and iterative version) do:
$ make test
If you would like to run only the test of the iterative version:
$ make iterative
If you want to run the RECURSIVE tests, do:
$ make recursive
If you would like to run just the code analysis tool (pylint) without docstring warnings (because the code is self-explanatory without comments):
$ make pylint
By default, the Makefile uses python as his interpreter. If you would like to change it to other like for example pypy3 (which runs a lot faster than python3) , you can do it changing the Makefile variable to pypy3.
For compiling the .cpp file with all the optimizations and warning checkers:
$ make
For compiling and running the tests:
$ make test