is a SwiftUI view that download and display image from URL and displaying Activity Indicator while loading .
Demo app ViewWithActivityIndicatorDemo.
is a Swift Package and you can install it with Xcode 11:
- Copy SSH
URL from github; - Open File/Swift Packages/Add Package Dependency... in Xcode 11;
- Paste the URL and follow steps.
must be initialized with a URL and optional placeholder image.
let url = ""
ViewWithActivityIndicator(imageURL: url)
ViewWithActivityIndicator(imageURL: url,placeHolder: "icon")
Using in a view:
import SwiftUI
import ViewWithActivityIndicator
struct ContentView : View {
let loader: ViewLoader = ViewLoader(url: "")
var body: some View {
ViewWithActivityIndicator(placeHolder: "", showActivityIndicator: true, viewLoader: loader) {
Image(uiImage: UIImage(data:self.loader.getData()) ?? UIImage())
Using in a list:
import SwiftUI
import ViewWithActivityIndicator
struct ContentView : View {
let urls: [String]
let loader: ViewLoader = ViewLoader(url: "")
var body: some View {
List(urls, id: \.self) { url in
HStack {
ViewWithActivityIndicator(imageURL: url)
.frame(width: 100.0, height: 100.0)
ViewLoaders allows to create multiple loaders given a String array:
@available(iOS 13.0, *)
public struct ViewLoaders {
var loaders: [ViewLoader] = []
init(urls: [String]) {
for url in urls {
loaders.append(ViewLoader(url: url))