This repository contains my solutions for Advanced Computer Vision (EE243) course homeworks/projects offered by Prof. Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury, University of California, Riverside, Spring 2019.
Each homework directory contains:
directory: includes the definition of the problem, independent reading files, and template code files.solution
directory: includes a report pdf file as well as the solution implementation (if asked by the problem definition).
Homework 1: problem definition, report.
- Intro to image processing with Matlab, DCT, DFT, Noise, De-noise.
Homework 2: problem definition, report
- Obtaining a multi-resolution decomposition up to two levels of scale using Haar wavelet.
- Reconstructing back the original image using all the multi-resolution decompositions.
- Edge detection using Laplacian of the Gaussian and Canny edge detector.
- Line detection using Hough transform.
- Implementation of Shi-Tomasi corner detector.
- Feature matching (HoG and SIFT features).
Homework 3: problem definition, report
- Implementation of basic version of normalized cuts for segmenting.
- Implementation of the Expectation Maximization algorithm for mixture of Gaussian model based on color features for segmenting.
Homework 4: problem definition, report
- Feature extraction
- Logistic Regression
Homework 5: problem definition, report
- Training a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) from scratch using PyTorch.
Homework 6: problem definition, report
- Homography Estimation
- Implementation of the factorization based Structure from Motion (SFM) method.
- Fundamental Matrix Estimation.
Homework 7: problem definition, report
- Problem set on epipolar geometry, camera model/calibration, stereo reconstruction.