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Board REST service


  1. Install dependencies npm i.
  2. To start the apps in docker, use npm run docker:start.
  3. If you want to run unit tests, open another terminal where npm run test:auth.
  4. To check lint, use npm run lint.

Don't run migration manually. Database migrations will be applied automatically inside docker when it is being started.


Current main image is 291MB.

  1. To start containers, run in the terminal the following: npm run docker:start or docker-compose up --build.
  2. Basic containers shutdown: npm run docker:stop.
  3. Shutdown and clean up of volumes: docker-compose down --volumes.

Database and migrations

All available migrations are already generated and stored. Keep in mind, migrations are applied automatically on application start-up. See TYPEORM_MIGRATIONS_RUN setting in .env file.

  1. To generate migration, start docker containers and execute docker exec -it rss-service npm run migration:generate.
  2. To run migrations, execute docker exec -it rss-service npm run migration:run.


TS documentation is available in /docs/index.html.

Logging & error handling

Logs are available in docker volume logs and also console. To change logging level, go to .env and replace the value of LOG_LEVEL.

You can use one of:

  • silent (no logs)
  • fatal
  • error
  • warn
  • info
  • debug
  • trace (includes all possible logs)


NodeJS API REST service based on NestJS/Fastify framework






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