I wanted to further my understanding of building a full-stack MERN application. This project also introduced me to GraphQL and how it is used in a real world setting. I didn't expect to learn as much as I did from this project but the complexity of creating something like this is actually pretty surprising. This project also helped fortify my knowledge of JS and React pretty well which I was surprised by. Things like destructuring, useState and useContext were used quite a bit throughout this project which are very important topics to understand and while I was comfortable before with using them I feel like I understand them much better now.
- Home Page
- Comment Page
- Create a user account with verification thru JWT
- Create posts
- Delete posts that are from your account but restrict users from deleting posts other users create
- Like/Unlike posts from other users
- Comment on posts
- Delete comments your account has made
- Query database for only the fields that are required for that specific query using GraphQL
- Store users and user data (comments, likes, etc) in a Mongoose DB
- Link client and server side application to a Heroku deployment
The app uses the following technologies:
- React is used to run the application.
- Semantic-UI is used to create the user interface of the application.
- MongoDB Atlas is used in the backend to post and recieve inform from our database.
- NodeJS is used for the server side of the application.
- Apollo-GraphQL