Welcome to Crytick, a ticketing platform built around the Ethereum blockchain!
In the ever changing land scape of the online marketplace and the surge in cryto currencies as well as blockchain technologies, we wanted to utitilize these technologies to create a safe, secure, and decentralized ticketing marketplace. Where users can.
- Create Events
- Buy Tickets
- Sell Tickets
- See Market Transactions
The app uses the following technologies:
- React is used to run the application.
- Material-Ui is used to create the user interface of the application.
- BootStrap is used as a css framework.
- MongoDB Atlas is used in the backend to post and recieve inform from our database.
- Ethereum is used the Block Chain technology used to create tickets, buy tickets, and sell tickets
- Solidity is used to create Smart Contract that interact with the Ethereum Block Chain
- Truffle is used as a development environment, testing framework, and assset pipline for Ethereum.
- Truffle Ganache is used as a personal blockchain for Ethereum distribution durring development.
- Paypal API is used as an endpoint checkout.
- Coinbase API is used to convert price values from USD to ETH.
- Web3.js API is a java script library that allows you to interact with a local or remote Ethereum node.
- MetaMask is an Ethereum wallet used to make transaction with ETH in your browser.