Automates the release process in Nexus (e.g. Sonatype OSSRH) after upload (publish) has completed.
The main differences compared to the Nexus publish plugin are:
- It assumes you use the maven publish plugin to upload your artifacts
- Any subproject (module) can use it in contrast to the nexus publish plugin which must be applied on the root project only allowing you to publish modules independently.
To use it you need to add your sonatype username token and password token to ~/.gradle/, e.g:
Then you use the plugin in your build.gradle as follows:
plugins {
// your other plugins...
id 'signing'
id 'maven-publish'
ext.nexusUrl = version.contains("SNAPSHOT")
? ""
: ""
pluginManagement {
repositories {
maven {
url = mavenCentral().url
publishing {
publications {
maven(MavenPublication) {
pom {
name = 'Your project name'
description = "${project.description}"
url = ""
licenses {
license {
name = 'MIT License'
url = ''
developers {
developer {
id = 'nn'
name = 'Full Name'
scm {
url = ''
connection = 'scm:git:'
developerConnection = 'scm:git:'
// This will upload to Sonatype Nexus (OSSRH) if credentials are present
if ( {
repositories {
maven {
credentials {
username = sonatypeUsername
password = sonatypePassword
url = nexusUrl
// Conditionally apply it if credentials are set allows
// project members who cannot publish to use the build script smoothly
if ( {
apply plugin: ''
nexusReleasePlugin.nexusUrl = nexusUrl
nexusReleasePlugin.userName = sonatypeUsername
nexusReleasePlugin.password = sonatypePassword