- Use command line to create a new project folder called “firebase”
- Create your typical website directory layout, including a “index.html” and “createBlog.html” file
- You will be creating your own blogging website, where users can create and view blogs
- Specifications:
- Both web pages should be responsive and properly viewable on a mobile device
- The target device is Galaxy S5 (360x640)
- “index.html” should simply display the contents of all of the blogs in your database
- “createBlog.html” should contain a form the user can fill in and submit to add a blog to your firebase database
- Hint: it’s usually a good idea to redirect the user to the newly made post at “index.html” - it would be nice to have the newest blogs appear at the top!
- The website must be properly hosted on GitHub
- Both web pages should be responsive and properly viewable on a mobile device
- Your website is dependent on the database. Before you even begin wireframing the site...layout what your database should look like (this is also known as the schema)!
- What pieces of information are necessary to make a simple blog (title, content, username, etc)?
- What pieces of information are nice to have or are part of something unique about your blogging site?
- Keep in mind, once the database is set up, you really shouldn’t be changing its schema.
- Wireframe both websites and break down what each group member is responsible for
- You do NOT need your instructor's approval here, however, it’s beneficial to you to ask for their advice and input.
- We’re almost done near the end of the SI! So for this particular project, I want to see GREAT looking projects that are also functional.
- Enjoy creating!
- Give the user the ability to also update and destroy blog posts
- You can learn more about CRUD here - https://www.codecademy.com/articles/what-is-crud
- On the “index.html” page, allow the user to filter blogs by a keyword
- Try to use string matching with regular expressions to do this : https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/match