Hello, thank you for your interest in this traffic management system. The goal of this project was to look into the concept of looking into a method of efficiently finding the shortest path given a set number of vertices or edges.
In this project, I've tested out a few methods.
- Breadth First Search - using a graph to manage the edges/vertices and implementing the BFS algorithm to find shortest path
- CNF-SAT Problem - framing the problem as a satisfiability problem where the boolean formulas are specified in conjuctive normal form
- Approximation Algorithm 1 - an algorithm that takes the highest incident vertex, and removes all edges attached to this vertex, from the graph until empty
- Approximation Algorithm 2 - an algorithm that randomly selects a vertex and removes all edges attached to this vertex, from the graph until empty
The report.PDF contains the formal documentation of the final product, along with details surroudning the performance of the different algorithms.