This is a simple FAQ plugin to be used within WordPress. It allows for you to easily add multiple accordion style FAQ's across your Wordpress website.
In order to use the plugin simply download to your plugins folder and active in the backend of Wordpress. That's it!.
To add an FAQ - add a new post to the 'FAQS' post type on the left sidebar. You can pop anything you'd like into the content - images, video, heck even memes if you'd like.
To add an FAQ display to an existing page, simply edit the page and add the below short code. This will add a functioning FAQ section, there are some options below.
EasyFAQ is a very simple plugin, but I've tried to give you some basic options to make it robust.
- To set a custom colour for easyFAQ simply add the colour attribute and supply a colour code
[easyFAQ colour="#000000"]
- To search only FAQ's by a specific category, provide the category name (This is super useful if you want more than one FAQ across your website!)
[easyFAQ category="example category"]
#Credit This plugin was created by me, Allan - find me at A Work Of Code.
This plugin uses Font Awesome - If your website does not have it installed, you won't see the open/close icons.