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Fortran Simulation DPD

Michael-P-Allen edited this page Jan 11, 2024 · 4 revisions

DPD program

For the dpd example, we recommend generating an initial configuration using the initialize program, with namelist input similar to the following

&nml n = 100, density = 3.0, lattice = .false.,
velocities = .true., soft=.true. /

The above value of the density is typical when using this method to model water.

For testing we compare with an approximate DPD equation of state for P

The paper of Liyana-Arachchi et al (2015) gives an improvement of the original EOS of Groot and Warren (1997), which is more accurate and applicable over a wider range of state points. The function is included in the dpd program, and the expected value of P (labelled EOS below) is printed for comparison at the end. We give results obtained by both the Lowe thermostat (L) and the Shardlow algorithm (S). We take the default values of a ρ/T=75, and of other parameters not mentioned below.

T ρ P (EOS) P (L) P (S)
0.5 3.0 11.864 11.814(2) 11.819(2)
1.0 3.0 23.587 23.637(2) 23.635(2)
1.5 3.0 35.276 35.449(3) 35.455(4)
2.0 3.0 46.951 47.257(4) 47.265(5)
1.0 2.0 14.187 14.320(2) 14.316(2)
1.0 4.0 32.811 32.622(3) 32.628(3)
1.0 5.0 41.887 41.539(4) 41.533(3)