Releases: AlliewayAudio/AlliewayAudio_Freebies
Chilly Cheese Beta 1
Chilly Cheese beta version 1 released for public testing. To install, drag the attached zip folder to your user plugin folder. KEEP IT ZIPPED UP, VCVrack will unzip it for you!
By default the user directory is is:
[Windows ] C:\Users[USERNAME GOES HERE]\Documents\Rack\plugins-v1
[Mac] ~/Documents/Rack/plugins-v1
Manual still in progress, will update. In the meantime, consult Cold Mac user documentation: and the wonderful "patching cold mac":
For patch ideas, see:
Right click to change integrator mode - there are 5 speed settings to choose from to get the response you want from the Location output.
Please let me know if there are any bugs on discord (Allie#3320) or here on github. Best of luck, and happy cheesing!