- The user stories are tested with suitable unittests and end-to-end-tests
- The tests are successful (in the green)
- The user stories match the requirement specifications
- The code is reviewed
- The code is of good quality (e.g. approved by lint)
- The product owner has accepted the user story as done
Clone the repository. In order to use the application with the serverless api, you will need the suitable AWS applications, e.g. a Lambda-function where you can upload the code from the folder "/api". See the readme in that folder for more information.
Note that the Lambda-function you are using will need to have two environment variables set:
The frontend is a React-application, and can be started locally. Change directory into the folder "front" and run:
npm install
And run with the command:
REACT_APP_API_URL='[enter the url of your Lambda-function here]' npm start
Dockerfile and possibility to run the serverless api locally in a container is coming up - stay tuned.