This software is a proof of concept for a REST/Backbone stack for web development
Licensed under Apache 2.0 License
The application it's prepared to use a database defined in "config.clj" default configuration
(def database-spec {
:classname "org.postgresql.Driver"
:subprotocol "postgresql"
:user "tasks"
:subname "//localhost:5432/tasks"})
The application it's executed inside Leiningen.
In order to load the database schema you should execute the database migration:
lein migrate
If you don't want to use incremental migration but you wanna to restore the whole database you should execute:
lein regenerate
Once the database is ready you can start the server by executing:
lein ring server-headless
To check the application enter http://localhost:3000/login and login with admin/admin.
Library to use REST resourcers inside the Ring middleware
A domain specific language for Clojure SQL access.
Library to maintain database schemas an generate database migrations. Lobos contains a bug that doesn't allow migrations with sqlite3. We use Postgres database instead.
Work in progress...