This contains the source code for the Plugin SDK of the TIBCO Team Studio analytics engine. The jars from this project are published to Maven Central Repository under the name-space com.alpinenow.
This project is written in scala, and built using sbt.
To build this project, it is preferable to use the sbt script provided (taken from with the license included in sbt-LICENSE.txt). This means that you do not need to have sbt already installed on your system.
Enter the sbt interactive console using
From there you can run tasks like
> compile
> test
Or you can enter sub projects and run tests from there:
> project alpine-model-pack
> test
Or run these commands in one line each:
./sbt compile
./sbt test
./sbt alpine-model-pack/test
To generate the Scaladoc, run
./sbt unidoc
Then the documentation will appear in target/scala-2.11/unidoc