- Price bot for discord made in python.
- Bot updates price every 5mins (300seconds)
- This bot utilizes CMC charts using playwright to take a screen shot of the website
- Bot shows price on nickname, if you adjust the speed of the updates be aware of discord rules as they may ban your bot if you are too aggressive.
- Status Green or Red shows the direction of the coin based on the 24 hour % of the coin
- An up or down arrow is included to show direction based on the percentage
- !tetsuo - Show current TETSUO price information - 60 second cooldown
- !sol - Show current Solana price information - 60 second cooldown
- !chart tetsuo - Show TETSUO price chart - 15 second cooldown
- !chart sol - Show Solana price chart - 15 second cooldown
- !help
- TBD for future options
- create .env file - edit the file -> DISCORD_TOKEN= 'YOUR_BOT_TOKEN_HERE' <- put that in the .env file and put your token in there
- Invite your bot with proper permissions https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=BOTIDGOESHERE&scope=bot&permissions=572023139200064 <-- if you don't like this permission you can control it with roles
- Create the role owner - If you don't like this role you can edit help.py and change the name of the role to whatever you like - the permissions sets the bot up for future commands that require deleting or updating older messages
sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa sudo apt update sudo apt install python3.8 python3.8-venv python3.8-dev screen -y sudo apt-get install python3-dev build-essential python -m pip install --upgrade pip pip install wheel setuptools pip install contourpy pip install matplotlib pip install mplfinance
mkdir discord_price_bot cd discord_price_bot
echo "discord.py>=2.4.0" > requirements.txt echo "requests>=2.31.0" >> requirements.txt
python3.8 -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
touch bot.py
python bot.py
screen -S discord_bot python bot.py
screen -r discord_bot
screen -ls
screen -X -S discord_bot quit