Deploy Dashboard #19
2 errors and 2 warnings
Deploy Bicep
WARNING: /home/runner/work/altinn-correspondence/altinn-correspondence/.azure/modules/keyvault/addReaderRoles.bicep(17,19) : Warning BCP081: Resource type "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults@2024-11-01" does not have types available. Bicep is unable to validate resource properties prior to deployment, but this will not block the resource from being deployed. []
/home/runner/work/altinn-correspondence/altinn-correspondence/.azure/modules/keyvault/addReaderRoles.bicep(19,33) : Warning BCP081: Resource type "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/accessPolicies@2024-11-01" does not have types available. Bicep is unable to validate resource properties prior to deployment, but this will not block the resource from being deployed. []
Deploy Bicep
Deployment process failed as some lines were written to stderr
Deploy Bicep
WARNING: The configuration value of bicep.use_binary_from_path has been set to 'false'.
Deploy Bicep
WARNING: /home/runner/work/altinn-correspondence/altinn-correspondence/.azure/modules/keyvault/addReaderRoles.bicep(17,19) : Warning BCP081: Resource type "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults@2024-11-01" does not have types available. Bicep is unable to validate resource properties prior to deployment, but this will not block the resource from being deployed. []
/home/runner/work/altinn-correspondence/altinn-correspondence/.azure/modules/keyvault/addReaderRoles.bicep(19,33) : Warning BCP081: Resource type "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/accessPolicies@2024-11-01" does not have types available. Bicep is unable to validate resource properties prior to deployment, but this will not block the resource from being deployed. []