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2D Enteroid Analysis

Data analysis code for Thorne, Chen, et al (2018 Dev Cell)


This code was developed to run on the UCSF QB3 cluster. Running the code on a different system will require installation of the required software and adapting the code accordingly. This project was built using Python and certain analysis steps requires CellProfiler.

Further, the code expects the input data to be organized in particular folder structures (more details below). If copying the data to a new location, keep the internal folder structure unchanged.

How to run analysis

This section details how to use the code to do the following

  1. Generate processed and feature data from raw data (raw data -> processed/feature data:)
  2. Generate figures from feature data (feature data -> paper figures)

Processed/Feature Data

Data required: raw image data ("plates")

We use image analysis to produce the cell/crypt segmentation results (processed data) and extract various image features. The analysis is done in three steps:

  1. Pre-segmentation
    • Sets up processed data folder

    • Sets up preseg jobs on the cluster
    • Rough segmentation using CellProfiler
  2. Segmentation
    • Combines job array output from preseg step

    • Identifies dense nuclear regions and generates masks for these regions

    • Sets up merged segmentation jobs on the cluster
    • Final segmentation (mixed-strategy) using CellProfiler
  3. Feature extraction
    • Combines job array output from merged step 
- Extracts "number" features from CellProfiler output

    • Identifies crypts 

    • Measures crypt related features

    • Saves features in csv file as both well- and crypt- level features

To run the analysis:

  1. Setup paths

    Update the paths in config/config.yml, in the paths (top) section.

    • root: path to top-level organoid_analysis folder
    • config: path to config folder
    • raw_data: path to raw data
    • processed_data: path to folder for storing processed data (this is an empty new directory before running the code)
    • analysis_output: path to store any output files

    In general, if all folders are in the same place, simply change /awlab/projects/2015_08_gut_organoid_analysis to path/to/project, the top-level folder that contains organoid_analysis (code folder) and plates (raw data folder). Remember to create the processed_data and analysis_output folders.

  2. Update more paths

    There are three scripts located in data_analysis:


    Change the path(s) at the top of each file such that they correctly point to the code folder. As above, change /awlab/projects/2015_08_gut_organoid_analysis to path/to/project, the top-level folder that contains organoid_analysis (code folder)

  3. Specify experiments

    Specify which experiments / plates to run in the config.yml file, in exp_list under cp_sge_job. For example, to run ct20a and ct24_control1:

    cp_sge_job: &cp_sge_job
      mem_free: 12G
      runtime: '12:00:00'
      start_job_num: 1
      num_jobs: 16
      exp_list: [ct20a, ct24_control1]
      done_file: 'done.txt
  4. Run pre-segmentation


    The output will be printed which is a string 'bash xxx'

    Paste the output string 'bash xxx' on the cluster. This will submit the pre-segmentation jobs.

  5. Run segmentation


    The output will be printed which is a string 'bash xxx'

    Paste the output string 'bash xxx' on the cluster. This will submit the segmentation jobs.

  6. Extract features


    The features are stored in csv files in processed_data/[plate]/merged/combined/[crypt_measures|well_measures]

For simplicity, steps 4-6 are written together in run_analysis.ipynb

Publication Figures

From the feature data, we can generate the figures in the paper. All the plots are done in the notebook data_analysis/paper_figures.ipynb.

  1. Setup paths

    Update the paths in the "Initialize settings" block of the notebook file such that processed_path, output_path, and program_path points to the processed data folder, the desired output folder to save graphs, and the code folder, respectively

    Also update subdir to point to the sub-folder in the output folder that graphs should be saved to.

  2. Save plots

    If save_plots is True, whenever a graph is generated, the graph and the associated data will be saved to the specified output folder. The graph will be saved as both a png and a svg file; the data will be saved as a csv file.

  3. Run code blocks to generate graphs


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See for details.


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