The React eStore is a fake E-Commerce store with a fully functional shopping cart, user data stored in a database, authentication and password hashing just like a real application. Retrieving data from the Fake Store API, a free online REST API that you can use for e-commerce or shopping websites. The payment system is using a free test account from Stripe. This is my second capstone project for Springboard's Software Engineering career track. Here's a link to the project fully deployed project: React eStore
- Fully functional shopping cart that stores data in localstorage using Redux.
- All of the products are fetched from a REST API.
- User authentication with JSON Web tokens.
- Bcrypt password hashing.
- React front end design.
- Back End design with Express and NodeJS
- PostgreSQL database management system.
- Online payment system.
- Free images from Freepik and Loren Picsum
React eStore uses multiple programming languages and many open source projects:
- JavaScript, React, JSX and CSS
- Redux
- Reactstrap component library for Bootstrap
- React Router
- Express
- NodeJS
- JSON Web Tokens
- bcrypt
- PostgreSQL
- Fake Store API
Clone git repo:
gh repo clone Aluisio-Matias/React-eStore
To install the back-end server, first create the database by going into your directory and on the command line enter:
psql < eStore.sql
Inside the backend directoty install the package.json
npm install
To run the server:
node server.js
Or if you have nodemon installed just type:
To install the front-end, go inside the directory and type in the command line:
npm install
In the project directory, you can run:
npm start
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser (preferably Google Chrome).
The page will reload when you make changes.
You may also see any lint errors in the console.