DevFlow is a full-stack Q&A platform built with Next.js 14, designed to offer a dynamic and engaging user experience inspired by StackOverflow. This platform leverages AI-generated responses, scalable architecture, and a custom algorithm for personalized recommendations.
Automatically generate answers using the OpenAI API, providing instant responses.
Users earn reputation and badges based on activity, fostering community engagement.
Vote on questions and answers, influencing content visibility.
Utilizes Mongoose for seamless interaction with MongoDB, ensuring efficient data handling.
A custom algorithm recommends related posts, increasing user engagement.
Browse through the entire database with a powerful global search feature, allowing users to search for questions, tags, and posts quickly and effectively.
Easily find the most popular and active questions and tags with a dedicated section highlighting the trending topics.
Browse through large sets of questions with intuitive pagination and filtering.
Built using Tailwind CSS, DevFlow delivers a clean, responsive design. Leveraging advanced CSS features, the platform ensures consistent styling and flexible layouts.
DevFlow supports both light and dark mode, allowing users to toggle between themes seamlessly.