Couple of useful codes for building a database containing multiple conversations in a specified language. Description of the files present
link to the Dataset folder on dropbox:
source urls vm.txt - contains the source url of different websites from where data can be loaded
spanish dictionary.txt - a txt format of the words in spanish dictionary
StatsDataSample_spa_final.txt - complete statistics of all the words that are to be analyzed including the one from EU proceedings - script to download plays from the web and then process it - the main script to generate the xml file. One has to be careful to execute this paths needs to be modified and the Dataset on which the script is running also needs to be checked. In the current state it will build a corpora from the EU proceedings. - script to outptut the main statistics of a file - a modified version of for a defined purpose of knowing the statistics of an exisiting corpora - calculates the frequency of all the words in a data. The input file has to be a file like "StatsDataSample_spa_final.txt"
Corpus_spa_final.xml - The xml file which is required by the project