Step 1 : Pull the Latest LocalTestSetUp Repo.
Step 2 : Make sure docker/mysql is running in background and matching the below configuration.
host : localhost
port : 3306
user : test
password : [no password]
database : get_my_parking
CREATE USER 'test'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'test'@'localhost';
Step 3 : sh ./
1. Authorizations
2. Parking Session
3. Parking
4. Authentication
5. Tariff Engine
6. Offer Engine
7. Pass
8. Consumer Users
9. Dashboard
10. Payments
Enter comma seperated values to skip
Enter Microservice to skip: 2,3,5,10
Step 4 : Wait for a while. The services will start in background.
Step 5 : Proceed with your local testing.
Step 6 : Closing the service.
cd LocalTest
docker-compose down