Welcome to the GWGweb-projectgroup practice project repository!
The purpose of this practice repository is to get comfortable using the front end skills we've learned so far. Also to gain experience using & collaborating with git and the GitHub online repository service. If you don't have one already, please create a GitHub account as it is required to contribute to the project.
Current Group Tasks and Deadlines
This is short list of ideas that are on the table. Feel free to add more, but let's try to wrap up the concept in a week. near 3/10
a site compiling links, tutorials, and articles on the different aspects of web developemnt for beginner's. This would ultimately be a site where the following class could visit and learn the best resources on how to tackle the challenge lessons from the course - anything that has helped us and others (git/Github links, JavaScript articles, motivational tips, etc.) towards moving on to the Front End Nanodegree course and becoming a web developer in general
a mock online storefront
mock social network main page
build a small CSS component framework
We can think about and expand on these concepts a little more, 1 week should be plenty of time to come up with a fun, quick, and easy project. My pick is the resources site!
If you haven't already, please begin learning the fundamentals of git and collaborating on GitHub. Most of the fundamental learning will involve using git on your local machine and we will be using GitHub's collaborative features to build together.
Here's some links that were passed around in the forums that I believe are some of the best and I added some that really got me on track with making pull requests and stuff (SPOILER: it's easy!).
GitHub Help Guide: Forking Projects (article)
Youtube: Git & GitHub Tutorial for Beginners #11 - Collaborating on GitHub (#12, too! video)
How To Collaborate on GitHub (article)
Git Forks and Upstreams (article)
We have 1 week (by March 10th or 11th) to choose a team to contribute with. How would you like to contribute? More details below.
Take as much time as you need to understand the basics of git and collaborating, but I'm hoping in about a week or so we will
- Know and understand the fundamentals of git and collaborating on GitHub
- Establish main idea for website
- Create somewhat of an initial layout/design of the main page
- Learn git/GitHub & web development in a "remote group environment"
- Create a simple project; 1-2 pages w/ room to expand
- Practice what we've learned so far in the course
- Be challenged! Not overwhelmed
- Work in small teams, hoping everyone will have a meaningful role
Instruction: Let's keep this process simple!
The only change you will be making for now is adding your name to whichever team you'd like to contribute with using the format below. Add your name to a team and push your changes to the main repo's dev branch, creating a pull request. Once approved, the changes will be merged
This syntax creates a table in Markdown, all you have to do is edit/insert your information like so:
Name | Disc Forum @ | Slack @ | Link (optional)
----- | ----- | ----- | -----
(your name) | (your @) | your @ | optional link
You'll get it when you see how others have done it. If not, just ask someone. This list will determine who the contributors are for this project. Adding your name to a table is as easy as separating your info with the pipe character like this:
name | disc forum name | slack name | (optional link)
- Wireframe and layout design
- Index HTML
- HTML refactoring and optimization
- CSS refactoring and optimization
- JavaScript refactoring and optimization
- Asset Gathering
- Copy and grammar editing
- Git assistance
Contributors in this group will create a mockup/wireframe/sketch of what the site would look like and would most likely be initiating CSS styling.
Name | Disc Forum @ | Slack @ | Link (optional) |
Daren Morreale | @Daren | github/darenjm |
Contributors in this group will work with the wireframe and layout design team to create the initial index.html file.
Name | Disc Forum @ | Slack @ | Link (optional) |
Tyler Van Schaick | tylervucf | tyler-vs | github/tyler-vs |
Daren Morreale | @Daren | github/darenjm |
Contributors in this group will refactor and optimize the structure and semantics of the index.html file (checking syntax errors, etc.)
Name | Disc Forum @ | Slack @ | Link (optional) |
Chris Neal | chrisneal | Chris N | github/chrisvneal |
Contributors in this group will refactor and optimize the structure and semantics of the stylesheet file (checking syntax errors, etc.)
Name | Disc Forum @ | Slack @ | Link (optional) |
Chris Neal | chrisneal | Chris N | github/chrisvneal |
Daniel Lu | dandydanny | dandydanny | github/dandydanny |
Daren Morreale | @Daren | github/darenjm |
Contributors in this group will refactor and optimize the structure and semantics of the .js file, ensuring best practices (checking syntax errors, etc.) Contributors may also choose to initiate interactivity scripting when necessary.
Name | Disc Forum @ | Slack @ | Link (optional) |
Daren Morreale | @Daren | github/darenjm | |
Brendan Pettis | @codemetheus | @Brendan(WI) | github/brendanpettis |
Contributors in this group will gather resources for images, icons, and media pertaining to the main concept while working closely with the wireframe layout and index.html teams for guidance.
Name | Disc Forum @ | Slack @ | Link (optional) |
(your name) | (your @) | your @ | optional link |
Contributors in this group will help spot grammatical and spelling errors within the site's body & content.
Name | Disc Forum @ | Slack @ | Link (optional) |
Chris Neal | chrisneal | Chris N | github/chrisvneal |
Contributors in this group will
- help manage the main project repo practice-project
- help others with git and pull requests on Github and
- help with code review of any code before it gets merged into the main project branch, master.
Name | Disc Forum @ | Slack @ | Link (optional) |
Chris Neal | chrisneal | Chris N | github/chrisvneal |