The program checks against the haveIbeenPwn API if your password has been leaked. It is secure because the password is hashed locally and only the first 5 hex characters of the hash are sent to the API. The results are compared locally with the full hash.
In summary your password never leave your computer so it is safe to use, just remember to clean your cli history.
- Clone the repo with
git clone
- Get in the PasswordPwn directory
cd PasswordPwn
- Install the requirements
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
And it should be ready to use.
It accepts one or more passwords using the parameter -p or --passwords
Example: python3 -p mypass1 mypass2
It accepts one or more emails using the parameter -e or --email.
Check your username against all the domains:
python3 -e username
Check your domain for leaks:
python3 -e
Check the complete email:
python3 -e