ameba-rtos Release v1.0.1
Documentation for ameba-rtos v1.0.1 is available at
Click the following URLs to view the documentations of the specific SoC.
- AmebaDPlus:
- AmebaLite:
- AmebaSmart:
ameba-rtos v1.0.1 is a QC-verified version and has fixed all known issues.
Obtaining v1.0.1
Users can use both git and download archive to obtain v1.0.1.
Using git
To get this release, use the following commands:
git clone -b v1.0.1 ameba-rtos-v1.0.1
cd ameba-rtos-v1.0.1/
Download an archive
Attached to this release is an "Source" and "Source Code.tar.gz" archive. This archive is provided for users who have connectivity issues preventing them from cloning from GitHub.
AT Command
- Added vTaskList print in AT+WLSTATE(modify atcmd module)
- Added ameba rtos version print and chip libinfo in AT+GMR
- Added new AT command: AT+STATE
- Added new AT command: AT+IPDOMAIN
- Added atcmd_service and delete log_service, and optimize atcmd service module
- Added log for mp tool
- Added Enable ATCMD into menuconfig, adjust atcmd related makefile and menuconfig
- Corrected total heap size calculation
- Deleted old atcmd directory and config
- Deleted AT_PRINTK
- Enlarge uart cmd buffer to 4096 bytes
- Modified to stop cpu load statistic when task number exceeds TASK_CNT for AT+STATE
- Fixed shell ram task bug
- Fixed compile error when enable IPv6
- Fixed ota clear error when using command AT+OTACLEAR for AmebaSmart
- Added support for ota compression
- Fixed ota flow bug
- Fixed download error when first buffer length less than manifest_size
- Fixed compile error when enable upgrade bootloader ota for AmebaDplus
- Changed print ota version from hexadecimal to decimal when boot
- Changed ota image name from OTA_All to ota_all
File System
- Optimized vfs module
- Added function vfs region2 as fatfs which combined after image2
- Fixed link error and warning when vfs-fatfs enabled
- Fixed compile error when include sys/unistd.h or sys/stat.h
- Synced nand flash adaptation from flash loader module for AmebaSmart
Mass Production
- Supported fast MP for AmebaDplus
- Modified MP option description in menuconfig and enable shrink when MP by default
- Fixed error when build MP normal for AmebaLite
- Modified state definition to avoid confict with tcpbase.h
- Modified ws/wss read/write get error number method
- Removed so_error warning
- Fixed the issue of abnormal disconnection of usbh_wifi bridge during iperf process for AmebaSmart
- Fixed compilation warning of ethernet for AmebaSmart
- Enable net_would_block() function for mbedtls
- Enable "Cipher Suite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256" and MBEDTLS_SHA1_C for mbedtls
- Added example of wifi user customize reconnect
- Fixed hardfault of httpd_vfs example
- Fixed issue of printing fail when using example wifi_nat_repeater
- Fixed i2c raw master polling compile error
- Fixed the compilation warnings related to the examples
- Fixed softap hardfault in ethernet example
- Added disconnect reason and join fail reason in WIFI_EVENT_JOIN_STATUS event
- Added wifi event and user auto reconnect examples
- Added fail reason as return value for wifi_connect api
- Added csi new metholds
- Added wifi sdio bridge mode on AmebaDplus
- Added api to get tx power for user
- Added api to specify tx power for user
- Added cca and edcca info in wifi_fetch_phy_statistic
- Moved wifi auto reconnect in applicaion layer
- Updated channel plan to R70
- Deleted api wifi_get_disconn_reason_code
- Deleted p_wifi_joinstatus_internal_callback, use WIFI_EVENT_JOIN_STATUS event instead
- Deleted wifi_off api
- Fixed the deadlock issue when wifi connect fail
- Added AT+IPERF3 to use iperf3 and fix iperf3 fail issue
- Fixed wifi speaker disconnect issue
- Fixed WPS stack overflow issue
- Fixed NP dead lock when to delete pmksa cache
- Fixed csi crash
- Fixed the issue that antdiv fail when only rx broadcast pkts
- Fixed wifi speaker rx fail after group key update
- Fixed addbareq cannot issue again if receive delba
- Fixed security fault issue of getting btm active from Extend Capability IE.
- Fixed bug of wifi disconnect caused by incorrect beacon ssid check.
- Fixed wifi reconnect fail with WPA3 transition mode AP
- Fixed softap rssi display error issue
- Fixed wifi disconnect casued by UDP tx in tkip mode for AmebaDplus
- Fixed tx packets drop during wifi scan
- Changed csa mode to 0, keep receiving data from sta
- Added Mesh 1.1 features
- Supported multi section patch format
- Supported fast MP flow for AmebaDplus
- Supported run time change TX power
- Added PBAP profile for AmebaSmart & AmebaLite
- Added RFC profile for AmebaSmart & AmebaLite
- Added BT transfer module example for AmebaDplus
- Added an api to get the stopped advertising handle according to the connection handle
- Added an api to set security pairing mode
- Added api to get advertising & scan & security parameters
- Added LE L2CAP connection oriented channels related api
- Used new AT+ command format
- Reconstructed HCI driver
- Changed extended scan related api name
- Changed BT power control related api name
- Changed set security paramters api
- Changed log print api to reduce stack size
- Optimized some log format
- Optimized LE audio performance
- Optimized BT secure stack size
- Fixed memory leak when BT init fail
- Fixed error and memory leak of BT deinit
- Fixed potential conflict of legacy and extended advertising api
- Fixed crash in some mesh scenario & LE audio scenario
- Fixed abnormal HCI event report
- Fixed some audio distortion issue in BIS & CIS for AmebaSmart & AmebaLite
- Fixed correct event report order when extended connect success for AmebaDplus
- Removed useless files
- Removed some internal test AT commands
- Added retarget newlib locks to avoid buffer access error for multi-threaded applications when call __wrap_printf
- Adjust common flash layout region within 4M for AmebaLite & AmebaDplus
- Added sdk version print in main
- Added toolchain installation check, toolchain version check and python check
- Supported toolchain download from aliyun
- Modified dsp related macro and variable for AmebaLite
- Removed no such file hint for verification and no a.out for cc-size when building
- Update gitignore and readme
- Added a Gather Scatter example in GDMA
- Added support for AmebaSmart XIP
- Enhanced the parameter checking in the Flash_WriteStream api
- Improved the SDIO device driver by fixing bugs occurring in extreme cases and resolving memory leak issues
- Optimized the memory layout for easier memory allocation across different CPUs
- Improved the logging system by defaulting to a smaller stack usage logging function provided by Realtek
- Upgraded the I2C driver with the addition of timeout mechanisms, exception alerts, and safety mechanisms
- Provided a new api for GPIO to control direction and output direction more safely
- Corrected the printing issues caused by unaligned stacks
- Optimized the OS wrapper and corrected typographical errors
- Updated the audio api to be compatible with the Realtek player and support more data formats, achieving lower WiFi audio latency
- Optimized CTC filter parameters and adjusted the CTC architecture
- Removed the timer trigger and compare mode functionalities from the ADC module
- Fixed the issue where the CA32 interrupt did not protect the FPU registers and addressed the problem of interrupts being mistakenly enabled in critical regions
- Fixed the DMA channel release issue in the mbed UART and SPI api
- Fixed a boot error in Sboot caused by image sizes not aligned to 32 bytes
- Added remote wakeup support for device stack
- Added initial support for UAC 2.0 device
- Added support for role switch
- Added SD hotplug support for MSC device
- Added verification test cases
- Fixed DMA RX cache sync issues for device stack
- Fixed BULK IN timeout issue for CDC ECM host
- Fixed hotplug issue for CDC ECM host
- Fixed ISOC IN error for UVC host in DMA mode
- Fixed MPS issue for HID device
- Fixed ZLP issue for INIC device
- Fixed Coverity check errors
- Fixed phy calibration issue for host
- Removed deprecated section declarations
- Reduced init delay
- Eliminated unnecessary IO access
- Shrinked the log messages for USB stack
- Chosen different in multi-io and tdm for same channel
- Added I2S slave or master mode interface for user
- Added audio patch interfaces
- Added audio_manager example
- Added I2S role and data format setting
- Fixed audio standby occasionally stuck issue
- Fixed stop stuck issue when i2s slave has no lrclk.
- Fixed the reset crash issue
- Update Image Tool to v2.7.17
- Update 1_N MP Image Tool to v2.5.26
- Update Trace Tool to v2.1.33
- Update Audio Test Tool to v1.0.4
- Release Cap Test Tool v1.0.5