This application allows home owners to connect with service providers.
(1) Install build: -On your Android phone, enable app installation from unknown source (temporarily) -Connect Android to a laptop or PC -Download AGILE.apk, right-click the build file > send to > locate your Android phone -On your Android, navigate to My Files > Installation files > Install the APK
(2) Install from source: -Download source code from GitHub -Import the project to Android Studio -Run the Main Activity
Features that have currently been developed include:
(1) Account creation: -One and only one Admin account can be created. -Homeowners and service providers can create many accounts. -Once the signup is successful, users are taken back to the login screen -Accounts are saved in cloud-based storage (Firebase)
(2) Authentication during account creation: -Every signup field (name, last name, email, etc.) is validated. -Can validate if the entered password is the same as the confirmed password. -One can only create an account with a password of at least eight characters.
(3) Login attempt: -Users can only log in if they already have an account.
(4) Login: -Users will see a welcome message with their name and their role. -Admin can log in and see a welcome message and a list of all users in the database. -Homeowners and service providers can only see a welcome message (for now).
(5) Others:
- Admin can create, edit, and delete services.
- A service has a name and an hourly rate.
- A service provider can edit his/her account. He/she has to include their phone number, address, name, last name, and their company name. The description is optional.
- A service provider may not edit their email.
- A service provider can enter and edit his/her availability.
- A service provider can search services added by the admin and add them to his/her account.
- A service provider may delete services from his/her account.
- A service provider cannot edit the service name or the rate of the service as it is governed by the admin.