- Library to control a Motor with L293D
- Developed by Salim Khazem
It is a library that allows you to control an Motor using an L293D
You must add the libraries to the Arduino libraries folder.
To do this : you must copy the folder "Motor" paste them in the arduino libraries folder.
I used an example with the inertial unit MPU6050, I put it in the folder ../Motor/examples
To include the library you have to include the Motor library and this is done with this formula #include <Motor.h>
To create an instance: Motor object (pin1, pin2, pinPWM);
For the assignment it is necessary to introduce: object.begin ();
To run the engine in the forward direction: object.forward (speed_with_percentage);
To run the engine in the reverse direction: object.rearward (speed_with_percentage);
To stop the engine: object.turnOff ();
If you want contribute:
- Fork the project
- Add your branch
- add your commits
- Finally push your pull request