A One Click Demo Installer Class for WordPress Themes. This class developed for creating a quick installer for wordpress.
Place this code in functions.php
* Initialize DT Importer
$settings = array(
'menu_parent' => 'tools.php',
'menu_title' => __('Demo Importer', 'dt-importer'),
'menu_type' => 'add_submenu_page',
'menu_slug' => 'dt_demo_importer',
$options = array(
'demo-1' => array(
'title' => __('Demo 1', 'dt-importer'),
'preview_url' => 'https://www.google.com/',
'front_page' => 'Home',
'blog_page' => 'Blog',
'menus' => array(
'primary' => 'Primary', // Menu Location and Title
'secondary' => 'Secondary',
'demo-2' => array(
'title' => __('Demo 2', 'dt-importer'),
'preview_url' => 'https://www.yahoo.com/',
'front_page' => 'Home',
'blog_page' => 'Blog',
'menus' => array(
'primary' => 'Primary',
'secondary' => 'Secondary',
'demo-3' => array(
'title' => __('Demo 3', 'dt-importer'),
'preview_url' => 'https://www.google.com/',
'front_page' => 'Home',
'blog_page' => 'Blog',
'menus' => array(
'primary' => 'Primary',
'secondary' => 'Secondary',
DT_Demo_Importer::instance( $settings, $options );
Create Folder by id in dt_importer/demos/
by same id
- demo-1
- content.xml // WP Exported Data
- options.txt // Codestar Exported Options data
- screenshot.php // Preview Image
- demo-2
- content.xml // WP Exported Data
- options.txt // Codestart Exported Options data
- screenshot.php // Preview Image
- demo-3
- content.xml // WP Exported Data
- options.txt // Codestar Exported Options data
- screenshot.php // Preview Image
Now go to the Tools >> Demo Importer :)
- This class only import codestar settings only and planned to support others framework (Like: redux, option tree)
- Planned to support widget import.
You can create content.xml by exporting your content from the WordPress dashboard (Dashboard > Tools > Export) and you can options string from backup field on the codestar option panel.