The goal: Realization of quicksort algorithm with means of MPI library. The set of processes is imagined and used as a hypercube. (If you don't know, what is a hypercube, please google it, because it is hard to explain in a nutshell without pictures.)
Input data: Text file with int numbers, separated with space. (There is a sample file with 100 random int numbers in a repo. You may use it to test the program.)
NOTE: The code is written mostly in educational purposes by a programming noob.
A simplified scheme of a program:
- An array of numbers is divided in equal parts and spreaded among all processes.
- The first process in this hypercube calculates pivot as a mean of numbers in his array.
- Each process divides its part in two according to pivot. Process with first bit of binary rank equal to 0 sends numbers > pivot to its partner. Partners (first bit = 1) send smaller numbers. Thus 0* processes will have smaller numbers, 1* prosesses - greater numbers.
- Hypercube is divided in two hypercubes. Now we won't look on the first bit, the criterion of partner-choosing will be the second bit.
- Steps 2-4 are repeated N times, where 2^N = number of processes.
- After N iterations the numbers of process 0 will be < the numbers of process 1 < the numbers of process 2 < ... and so on. Processes can now sort numbers sequentially with normal quicksort.
- Results are gathered and written by the master process.
Credit: I used ideas suggested in a textbook by V. Gergel, Theory and Practice of Parallel Calculations
How to configure your Visual Studio to use MPI: There is a good and simple article here: