Curated lists of IP addresses/whitelists of good bots and crawlers. Includes GoogleBot, BingBot, DuckDuckBot, etc.
All IP-Lists are in the CIDR-Notation and can be used as whitelists in your webserver's firewall or as an exception for rate-limits.
Either use the all.ips list or a specific service's list of IP-Addresses found in the iplists/ directory.
The lists are updated daily via a scheduled GitHub Action.
├── all.ips
│ Combined List of all IP addresses found in iplists/
└── iplists/
├── ahrefsbot.ips
│ IP-Addresses used by the AhrefsBot Crawler
├── applebot.ips
│ Apple doesn't publish its "AppleBot" Crawler IPs, so this list includes all Apple IPs →TODO: Find better solution
├── betteruptimebot.ips
│ IP-Addesses used by the BetterUptime Bot
├── bingbot.ips
│ IP-Addesses used by the Bing Crawler
├── bunnycdn.ips
│ IP-Addesses used by the CDN
├── cloudflare.ips
│ IP-Addesses used by the Cloudflare CDN
├── duckduckbot.ips
│ IP-Addesses used by the DuckDuckGo Crawler
├── facebookbot.ips
│ IP-Addesses used by the Facebook Link-Preview Bot
├── freshpingbot.ips
│ IP-Addesses used by the Freshping Bot
├── googlebot.ips
│ IP-Addesses used by the Google Crawler
├── imagekit.ips
│ IP-Addesses used by the Image Proxy
├── imgix.ips
│ IP-Addesses used by the Imgix Image Proxy
├── internal.ips
│ Internal IP-Addresses
├── marginalia.ips
│ IP-Addresses used by the Marginalia Search Crawler
├── mojeekbot.ips
│ IP-Addesses used by the Mojeek Crawler
├── molliewebhook.ips
│ IP-Addesses used by Mollie to send out Webhooks
├── outageowl.ips
│ IP-Addesses used by the Outage Owl Bot
├── pingdombot.ips
│ IP-Addesses used by the Pingdom Bot
├── rssapi.ips
│ IP-Addesses used by the Feed parser
├── stripewebhook.ips
│ IP-Addesses used by Stripe to send out Webhooks
├── telegrambot.ips
│ IP-Addesses used by the Telegram Link-Preview Bot
├── twitterbot.ips
│ IP-Addesses used by the Twitter Link-Preview Bot
├── uptimerobot.ips
│ IP-Addesses used by
└── webpagetestbot.ips
IP-Addesses used by