CipherVPN is an Android VPN client based on the OpenVPN Android Client project, This app allows users to connect to a virtual private network (VPN) on their Android devices, providing an added layer of security and privacy when browsing the internet.
CypherVPN enables users to establish a secure VPN tunnel between their device and the server. This encrypted tunnel passes all data through a secure channel, providing protection against hackers, surveillance, and other online threats. CypherVPN also allows users to change their virtual location, masking their real IP address and providing access to geo-restricted content.
The application is designed as a single-activity app and implements the MVVM architecture, following the guidelines provided here.
- Material Components (Design System)
- ViewModel (Store and manage UI-related data)
- LiveData (Handling observable data)
- Navigation (Screen transitions)
- Glide (Image loading)
- OpenCSV (Parsing CSV data)
- Kotlin Coroutines (Light-weight threads)
- Hilt (Dependency injection)
- Room (Abstraction layer over SQLite)
- Retrofit (HTTP client)