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Custom repositories

Tuomas Airaksinen edited this page Jan 8, 2024 · 14 revisions

Custom repositories specified in this document will be supported in version 5.0+.

Repository manifest file

Sword repository should contain manifest json file of the following format:

  "name": "AndBible test",
  "description": "Test module repository maintained by AndBible development team",
  "manifestUrl": "",
  "type": "sword-https",
  "host": "",
  "catalogDirectory": "/data/andbible/test",
  "packageDirectory": "/data/andbible/test/zip"

In this example, repository structure will be found in (AndBible will look for mods.d.tar.gz file for module conf files index) and module zip files in Only HTTPS repositories are supported (i.e. type can be only sword-https).


User can paste either or into "Repository URL" field.

Non-manifest repositories

If repository does not contain manifest file, user can paste repository root folder to "Repository URL" as well. Repository must contain "packages" directory (containing zip files) directly under repository root folder.

MyBible repositories

MyBible repositories as documented here are supported also. Only limitation is that only HTTPS connections are supported (AndBible does not event try to download unencrypted HTTP at all). If http URLs are present, https is tried instead.

Some custom repositories

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