This plugin transforms
calls to render props. Idea based on this gist.⚠️ Experimental: Code you are likely to write should be transformed just fine, convoluted/edge cases might not be covered yet.
const Example = () => {
const theme = adopt(<Theme />)
const counter = adopt(<Counter />)
const toggle = adopt(<Toggle />)
return (
<div style={{ color: theme === 'light' ? '#000' : '#fff' }}>
<span>{`Count: ${counter}`}</span>
<button onClick={toggle}>{'Toggle'}</button>
const Example = () => {
return (
{theme => (
{counter => (
{toggle => (
<div style={{ color: theme === 'light' ? '#000' : '#fff' }}>
<span>{`Count: ${counter}`}</span>
<button onClick={toggle}>{'Toggle'}</button>
npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-jsx-adopt
If you want to use it with babel@7, you should also install babel-core@^7.0.0-0
(just to prevent peer dep warnings).
"plugins": ["babel-plugin-jsx-adopt"]
babel --plugins babel-plugin-jsx-adopt script.js
require('babel-core').transform('code', {
plugins: ['babel-plugin-jsx-adopt'],