This is a Text-based game that allows the user to move through different rooms to get items and accomplish goals.
The program keeps track of user position, has an item inventory, the game has a time limit, and has a fun dungeon theme!
This was the final project for CS-162 (Intro to Computer Programming 2)
Simply make a makefile with the following code included or run the included makefile
CXX = g++
CXXFLAGS = -std=c++0x
CXXFLAGS += -pedantic-errors
OBJS = main.o checkInput.o chest.o deadend.o empty_room.o exit.o game.o inventory.o locked_door.o monster.o person.o space.o starting_room.o
SRCS = main.cpp checkInput.cpp chest.cpp deadend.cpp empty_room.cpp exit.cpp game.cpp inventory.cpp locked_door.cpp monster.cpp person.cpp space.cpp starting_room.cpp
HEADERS = checkInput.hpp chest.hpp deadend.hpp empty_room.hpp exit.hpp game.hpp inventory.hpp locked_door.hpp monster.hpp person.hpp space.hpp starting_room.hpp
OTHER = makefile Reflection.pdf
main: ${OBJS} ${HEADERS}
${CXX} ${CXXFLAGS} ${OBJS} -o main
${OBJS}: ${SRCS}
${CXX} ${CXXFLAGS} -c $(@:.o=.cpp)
rm *.o main
zip -D FinalProject_Zourelli_Fabian_Andres ${HEADERS} ${SRCS} ${OTHER}
- C++
- Makefile