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Creating a new ARCL App: Part 1

Eric Internicola edited this page Sep 15, 2019 · 4 revisions

In this section, learn (in tutorial style) how to create a new ARKit-CoreLocation project from scratch. This will walk you through the process of creating the 360iDev AR Navigation App.

  1. Create a new Project


  1. NSCameraUsageDescription: ARKit requires use of the Camera, so we need to update the Info.plist file to add a description for the app:


  1. NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription: ARCL requires use of Location Services, so we need to update Info.plist with a description for the key to tell users why we're using location services.


  1. Tooling: Setup the Gemfile (cocoapods + fastlane) with your favorite editor.


  1. Tooling: Install bundler and then use bundler to install the gems for us.


  1. Tooling: pod init will create a new Podfile for us, we'll edit it after this step.


  1. Podfile: We edit the Podfile that was generated


  • Platform minimum = iOS 11
  • We add the ARCL pod
  1. Tooling: pod install


  • Close your Xcode project
  • Open the xcworskapce file now.

NOTE: At this point, you may deviate from this tutorial if you're ready to start building your own ARCL project and don't wish to build the example project that this tutorial is demonstrating.

Next: Creating a new ARCL App: Part 2

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