All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- A lot of error handling in the tick and edge routing to try to prevent the infinite error when leaving the diagram in another tab.
- canvasOptions setHeight and setWidth that allows modification of the canvas.
- ability to control individual edges. Thus allows text changing of labels.
- Do this using the predicates hash property.
- added class "fixed" when node is fixed in place.
- fixed NaN error with tspan
- added layout.stop and .start on losing focus on the window.
- canDrag now only through filter. (Styles might be removed and should be added by user)
- Added classes
- Karma and Jasmine tests
- Function for setting mouseDown on node.
- zoom prevented if not initiated on svg
- mouseDown added
- drag conditional event propagation. (allows conditional control of drag event)
- hasNode method that allows us to check if node exists on diagram.
- String representation of the predicates and nodes (for saving).
- Default database name if not specified.
- Jaccard modifier to control clustering. (
- Text is now left aligned.
- Restart functions are now Promise based.
- tSpan works correctly
- canDrag not executed in the drag filter fixed
- Fixed errors so they throw properly
- Widths can get smaller (They could only increase previously)
- canDrag is just a boolean
- Made database more random - to try and avoid ANY conflicts at all.
- removeNode now accepts an optional callback to fire after node is removed.
- Restored line routing.
- Text display code now supports multiline. shortname can be an array of lines.
- FIXED: line routing has broken. - The arrows don't end in the right position.
- FIXED: text mirroring the last added node.
- deleted a lot of useless API that can be specified in the options once.
- 'node' class from node paths. Class 'node' refers to the group element.
- Jest tests
- The old way the text was laid out.
- addEdge method (It was a worse addTriplet)
- Tested Jest support
- Changed codebase to TypeScript
- All nodes are now paths. (This allows for path to be defined in the node's data)
- removeNode now removes disconnected nodes.
- d3 and webcola is now external
- api for restarting the graph (split into style and layout restart)
- Grouping nodes added! - Only to 1 deep.
- clickEdge added
- click on node callback (setClickNode)
- mouseup callback
- dragStart callback
- mouseOver and mouseOut callbacks don't fire while dragging.
- mouseOver and mouseOut callbacks added to nodes.
- getSVGElement endpoint for getting reference to the svg 'canvas'.
- useful for getting absolute x and y co-ordinates.
- shortnames can be updated, and nodes will reflect the change after a layout restart.
- Graph modification calls
the layout preventing bugs.- Fixed infinite loop bug
- Improved overall performance
- Toggle on/off drag
- Verification for cola layout
- Limited restart to styles only
- Label text for edges with routing
- Node graph mutation (stroke, stroke-width, fill)
- Added npm build scripts
- Added userOptions on initialization
- Added UMD library definition (full d3 at the moment)
- Add options for different webcola options (flowLayout, jaccardLinkLength)
- Add options for circles/rect graphs
- Added edge color by edge type option
- Add edges between visible nodes
- Recenter graph (not very good)
- Zoom and panning
- Graph options callback for selecting nodes
- Node color option function
- Edge Routing
- Initial Node d3 mutation - addNode
- Predicate edge color option (with marker color change)
- Dynamic node size
- Remove node by hash
- Stopped Graph Jumping (handleDisconnect to false)
- Graph resize feature
- addTriplet endpoint to the graphFactory
- AddNode can take an array of nodes